
Parle Magazine - Who's Next?


Check out the interview that Parle magazine did with Mullage titled Who's Next?

Parle covers topics such as: their time in the Navy, where their name came from, and most importantly, what's next for this dynamic duo. Give it a read and learn something new, expand your Mullage knowledge and rediscover why we love them so much.

NaVaro // Ten Pin Alley

It's Friday, and you already know what that means!! That means you're heading down to Ten Pin Alley in Atlantic Station to get your drink on and listen to some AWESOME music.

Tonight Hot 107.9 will be in the building for Beyonce Alowishus' birthday bash, along with Navaro and the rest of the FGUR family.

Ten Pin Alley
261 19th St. NW, Suite 1200
Atlanta, GA 30363




Jackson locals!
Head on down to the Grace Starr Birthday Bash.
Get your drink on and show some love and support to our favorite guys ever!

May 3rd
The Rocket Nightclub
216 Francis Street
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 796-1111

Hosted by Phresh ENT.
Catch performances by Mullage as well as WakaFlocka!


King Kun - So Cold

Here's the video for King Kuns hit - SO COLD!!

T-Reddd Ft. Panama Black - Harder Than Most


King Kun - tomorrow night.


Atlanta locals, check out King Kun live tomorrow night!

April 28th
Inferno Lounge
393 Marietta St.
Atlanta, GA 30313

Download his hot new single So Cold, here. And check him out on Myspace. See what you've been missing, and show this FGUR artist some love and support!

I'm back!

I've returned from my trip to Atlanta. Sadly, it was so filled with family business, that I do not have any cool stories for you guys about meeting anyone. I didn't even have a good, solid internet connection (why do people lock their wireless!!! LOL), so I wasn't even up to date on what was going on with Mullage or any of the other FGUR artists. But have no fear - from here on out you'll know what's going on.

First and foremost, Mullage leaked quite a few songs from the upcoming mixtape titled Dear Atlanta. From what I've gathered through various Twitter posts, it's scheduled for release mid-June, and I've started the countdown already. I absolutely cannot wait. Everything I've heard so far leads me to believe it's absolutely going to be the mixtape to have this summer. I was able to post a few of the songs they've already leaked, but I'm going to re-post them here just to be sure I've got my bases covered.

Old School
Don't Hate
Never Fall
Daze Freestyle

Alright, now that you've got all of those downloaded, I have a video for you. Mullage posted this about 4 days ago, and in it they stated that the video for I'm Okay will be released "next week". No specific date has been confirmed, unless I just missed that. But I promise that as soon as it's released it will be on here ASAP. And I'm still on the look out for the video for So Long, So Wrong. I've not heard anything about it since they did the video shoot!


Mullage appearance - Wisconsin


May 1st
Club Black Ice
Green Bay, Wisconsin

Presented by @SwissMoneyMag.

All White - Ten Pin Alley


April 23rd
Ten Pin Alley
261 19th St NW
Atlanta GA 30363

Head on out to Ten Pin Alley this Friday night for the second single release party from the super sexy @NaVaro09 and @FatigueMusic

Hosted by Atlanta Falcons owner, Chris Owens!

Dress to impress (in all white, of course)!

A video

As we were sitting in rush hour traffic on 75 South the other day, my five year old son Dominic made a huge discovery in his little head. He asked what city we were in, and I said "we're still in Atlanta". He gasped so loud, I thought he had choked. When I asked him what was wrong, he replied with "BUT ISN'T THIS WHERE MULLAGE LIVES?". When I told him that it was in fact, their hometown, he had about a thousand other questions. He asked what would happen if we saw them at the park (LOL, he was thinking of the Trick'n video), and what would happen if they heard us listening to their music in our car (awesome). He then said "if we make a video we can give it to them". I told him we could do this no matter what state we were in, but he insisted we do it right that second. So I busted out my camera, since we weren't moving anyway, and I let him make the video he wanted. It was just him singing to Trick'n, but he was so proud of himself. However, when I uploaded it, it was far too windy and noisy, and also sideways. Fail. So we re-made it today. He was far less enthusiastic about it this time, but when I told him Mullage would love it, he was excited all over again. I love five year olds. Especially a five year old who shares my love of Mullage.

Don't Hate

Hey ya'll! I'm still in Atlanta, but I've got an internet connection for now. I've obviously not been as on top of things as I'd like, but something is better than nothing.

As I mentioned in my last post, Mullage leaked Old School, from their upcoming mixtape titled Dear Atlanta. If you've yet to hear it, go now. You won't regret it.

AND NOW.....they've leaked Don't Hate.

I can't wait to hear what they leak next, and I especially can't wait for the full mixtape to be released. It's easily going to be one of my favorite summer albums. Help us promote on Twitter by using #DearAtlanta. And if you aren't following Mullage already (what in the hell is wrong with you?), please go and do it now.


World Premiere!!! Dear Atlanta


Mullage has leaked the first song from their newly titled mixtape Dear Atlanta! I've heard bits and pieces of it from the late night U-Stream chats and I promise, you will not be disappointed. I had already declared it to be one of my favorites when I first heard it. So go ahead and download, give it a listen, let me know what you think.

From Dear Atlanta, here's Old School.


Dear Atlanta, Coming Soon!

As you all know, Angelique is in Georgia with family business, but I'm Misty (hey!) and I'll be filling in for her as Official Bringer of Mullage News until she's back (or can find a solid internet connection).

With that, I'd like to announce that Mullage has officially announced on Twitter that the title of their new mixtape will be Dear Atlanta. Can't wait to see what they've got in store for us!

source: Official Mullage Twitter (and if you wanna help us promote, use the hashtag #DearAtlanta!)


Sad news

Well kids, it looks like I'm going to be away from the blog for an indefinite amount of time. We have a situation to deal with together, so I'm headed out this evening to be with my family in Atlanta.

If anything major happens, I of course will hit up the one person I trust enough to update the blog and show it the love I would. My best friend Misty! However, she's also leaving town next week for Disney World with her family, so it will be hit or miss.

Hopefully I'll be back sooner rather than later. And if it's later...well hey, I'm going to be in ATLANTA. Maybe I'll be there long enough to catch a show, and then I'll really have a story for you guys!


UStream Live!

B Town and Stickz are rockin' it live on U-Stream right now. Come on in and chat with us.

Live Broadcasting by Ustream

Navaro download


New download from NaVaro. Go here to listen to/download Two Bad Chicks.

While you're at it, go ahead and download these:
No Pressure
Common Cold

King Kun download


New song, fresh from King Kun himself. It's called Do You, and you can download it HERE!!


Mullage radio interview

Clearly, I should have made this post last night. But I've learned through experience and failure that drinking and blogging is just as bad as drinking and texting. Especially for me. Just ask any one of my Twitter or facebook friends, who put up with my nonsense on a regular basis (LOVE YOU GUYS!). So I'm going to pull the old better late than never card, and run with it.

Last night the station 102.5, out of Atlanta, did an on-air interview with our boys, Mullage. I didn't realize you could listen to it live via the internet until about halfway through. And even then, my internet was acting a fool, so I didn't catch most of it. I did, however, call in. Remember earlier, I mentioned that I may or may not have been drinking? Oh lawdy. On top of that, I couldn't hear a damn thing that was going on. I heard random questions coming from all over the place. There was yelling and laughing in the background. It was insane. But I did get to talk to them, sort of. Better than nothing, I'll take it. I was very happy to learn that they knew who I was the second I said my name. One thing in particular that I do remember, is the DJ asking me what inspired my tattoo. Now you'd think in a situation as important as this one, I could compose myself. Acceptable answers may have been (but were not limited to):
"Their amazing music, and motivation"
"They're so humble and really give back/care about their fans"
"Their never-ending positivity and drive to succeed motivates me"
"Their abs"

Any of the above would have been fine, right? So what do you think I answered with?
DJ: "What inspired the tattoo?"
Me: "Have you met these guys?!?!"

I may have said it two or three times even, I'm not sure. But as always, they were good sports. Even when I sounded like a dumbass. Even when I then proceeded to Twitter them 199 times after.


BIG shout-out to 102.5!

Shout out to @jessa9876 who also called in last night! Comment and share your story with us!


Panama Black downloads


Just posted on Panama Black's twitter...a few sneak peeks for you to download.

Here, you can hear him flowing to Lil Wayne's On Fire. And here, flowing to I Bet I Do It.

Dude doesn't mess around. If I were you, I'd definitely keep an eye out. I have a feeling once he really gets out there, he's going to explode. And fast.

While you're at, go ahead and download Ball How I Wanna Ball from the upcoming mixtape "Rise & Grind".

Source: Twitter
Photo source: Myspace


King Kun appearance!


April 24th
King Kun
HBCU Band Bash at Morris Brown College
643 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30314

Source: Twitter
Photo source: Myspace


Upcoming appearance!


May 3rd
The Rocket Nightclub
Mullage // WakaFlocka
216 Francis Street
Jackson, MI 49201

May 6th
Club Karma
Mullage // Roscoe Dash
315 North 1st Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Source: Twitter



The boys are going innnnn tonight!

April 3rd
Club Reasons
808 S Riverside Dr.
Clarksville, TN

Mullage's fans rock harder than yours

I don't know how many of you read the post I made about the Mullage tattoo I put on my body a while back. If you haven't seen it, read it here!

It's not just me anymore! I'd like to welcome Miss Dasha into my tattooed club. She went out and got hers yesterday. Back story: The other night in UStream chat, B-Town asked her to change her name, and he gave her that one. So she did, and now it's part of her forever.

I love it. I love how dedicated and supportive each and every one of the Mullage fans are. I'm proud to be a part of it, and excited to have a partner in crime. We've definitely got to keep it up, we've got to fuel the movement.


Appearance reminder

Mullage will be performing live tonight, as well as KeKe Wyatt and Fantasia!

April 2nd

Club ATL
3365 Buford Hwy
Atlanta, GA 30329

April 3rd
Club Reasons
808 S Riverside Dr.
Clarksville, TN