
I'm back!

I've returned from my trip to Atlanta. Sadly, it was so filled with family business, that I do not have any cool stories for you guys about meeting anyone. I didn't even have a good, solid internet connection (why do people lock their wireless!!! LOL), so I wasn't even up to date on what was going on with Mullage or any of the other FGUR artists. But have no fear - from here on out you'll know what's going on.

First and foremost, Mullage leaked quite a few songs from the upcoming mixtape titled Dear Atlanta. From what I've gathered through various Twitter posts, it's scheduled for release mid-June, and I've started the countdown already. I absolutely cannot wait. Everything I've heard so far leads me to believe it's absolutely going to be the mixtape to have this summer. I was able to post a few of the songs they've already leaked, but I'm going to re-post them here just to be sure I've got my bases covered.

Old School
Don't Hate
Never Fall
Daze Freestyle

Alright, now that you've got all of those downloaded, I have a video for you. Mullage posted this about 4 days ago, and in it they stated that the video for I'm Okay will be released "next week". No specific date has been confirmed, unless I just missed that. But I promise that as soon as it's released it will be on here ASAP. And I'm still on the look out for the video for So Long, So Wrong. I've not heard anything about it since they did the video shoot!

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