
A video

As we were sitting in rush hour traffic on 75 South the other day, my five year old son Dominic made a huge discovery in his little head. He asked what city we were in, and I said "we're still in Atlanta". He gasped so loud, I thought he had choked. When I asked him what was wrong, he replied with "BUT ISN'T THIS WHERE MULLAGE LIVES?". When I told him that it was in fact, their hometown, he had about a thousand other questions. He asked what would happen if we saw them at the park (LOL, he was thinking of the Trick'n video), and what would happen if they heard us listening to their music in our car (awesome). He then said "if we make a video we can give it to them". I told him we could do this no matter what state we were in, but he insisted we do it right that second. So I busted out my camera, since we weren't moving anyway, and I let him make the video he wanted. It was just him singing to Trick'n, but he was so proud of himself. However, when I uploaded it, it was far too windy and noisy, and also sideways. Fail. So we re-made it today. He was far less enthusiastic about it this time, but when I told him Mullage would love it, he was excited all over again. I love five year olds. Especially a five year old who shares my love of Mullage.

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