
XXL magazine

It was very unfortunate that I had to miss the UStream the other night. Damn you, Mullage, for not revolving around my schedule. Don't you know I'm your biggest fan? Sheesh. But in all seriousness, it was an important UStream. Mullage let the fans know exactly what went on with XXL magazine. I, for one, am very appreciative that they come to their fans and make sure they have the real story, before we have to go out and read it somewhere else. I think it keeps us on a level with them, that most celebrity fans don't have the luxury of achieving.

Anyway, I'm rambling.

How many of you have seen the current XXL magazine, and their Freshman List? I was surprised by many of their picks, but I don't work for the magazine, clearly, so I have no say in it. What you might not know is that they interviewed Mullage for this list, and then left them off of it. In my opinion, Trick'n was one of the hottest songs of 2009. With a hit like that, they're bound to produce many more number 1's. I've heard their mixtapes, and they're definitely going places. So why would XXL intentionally leave them off of the list? I have no idea. But it's ridiculous.

In true Mullage fashion, the boys have their say in the situation. Listen to it here. The song is hot. Download it, pass it around, support our boys.

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