
Name change

It's damn near 4am, and here I am, still awake. I've actually just finished watching the live UStream for tonight. They were actin' a fool, as usual. But I cannot even begin to describe the excitement I have for the new mixtape. I heard a few of the songs they're working on tonight, and wow. This might be their best one yet. But we're going to have to wait until mid-April to find out.

Moving on...
I've been participating in these chats for quite some time. B-Boi and B-Town are both very involved in them, as well as whoever else happens to be there that night. They make it a point to answer whatever question the viewer might have. Of course, that requires them to address us individually on occasion. No big deal, right? Well the screen name I've used for so long is shinydisc0balls. I went through the whole techno/rave phase when I was younger, and my absolute favorite song from the genre was a song called...you guessed it, Shiny Disco Balls - Daft Punk. Not a big deal, but apparently men do not appreciate having to use the word balls repeatedly when addressing you. So one evening, during the UStream chat, this fact was brought to my attention. B-Town suggested that I change my Twitter name; I requested that he pick the new name.

His suggestion was simple. Faith. While very beautiful, and far more meaningful than the title to an ancient techno song, there was no way that was available. I decided to take it one step further, and @faithinmullage was born.
You can also find me as mullagexfaith, if you're down with the UStream chats.

RIP shinydisc0balls!

I'm happy with the choice in name. I can't decide if it's borderline crazy or not, but I'm rolling with it. I'm definitely very passionate about Mullage, and everything they stand for, so I just see it as part of who I am. But pair the name change with the tattoo, or maybe even just this blog, and some might call it over the top. Either way, I'm sticking with what I said before, it's dedication.

Celebrities would be nothing without the fans, right?

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