
Country Rock

I've not yet seen this advertised on Mullages Twitter (it's possible I could have overlooked it), but according to @FGUR1FGUR, Mullage will be performing at Country Rock in Griffin, GA on Thursday night.

Country Rock is located at 2700 N Expressway.

Can I just tell you how incredibly jealous I am of anyone who gets to go to this? My father lives literally 1.5 miles down the road (thank you, google maps). I've already texted him and asked him how quickly he could get me to Georgia. Trust me, I'd drive the 12 hours to be there, if it were a possibility. So far, no response, so it's not looking good. I WANT TO BE THERE SO BAD!!!

Edit: I went ahead and called Country Rock, because I was confused by the Twitter updates and wanted to be sure my info was right. It will in fact be Thursday night, and they'll be there with DJ Batman.


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